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I've Basically Done Nothing For A Month...

So all I really have to say for myself is that I dont have enough knowledge to feel as if I'm getting anything done I keep getting discouraged and always feel like I'm taking too long to complete anything I mean I'm off to university in less than a month but I wanna get more done so I'm Scraping all currant projects and intentions so that I can go back to tutorials I might try sculpting again or I might try some animation or rigging I'm just not sure.

You see once I completed the Rose-Orion Cannon I was not 100% sure what to go onto or what to make next other than trying some sculpting I mean I halfheartedly decided to make my bedroom 1:1 scale and it was going well sorta but the more and more complexity I added to the project the worse it got let me show you.

I first started out by blocking out the scene with boxes to the sizes of the objects to give me a rough estimate of everything before I even started thinking about making the actual objects.

The first object I made was the bed and which posed a challenge because I wanted to make all the connecting geometry So all the screws and holes Which I did make and I was quite proud off.

After That I slowly made the rest of the objects around my room one by one It took alot of time since I was doing exact measurements instead of just winging it.

Eventually I had the major objects built and started working on the next level of objects which I now deeply regret going so deep into since It was LEGO spaceships and it took forever to just block out the exact measurements of the ships the larger spaceship had more complicated blocks so I left them out till later.

Just to show you how many blocks there are I scaled them all down :3

Once I had blocked out the LEGO bricks I set about making an easy way to make all the bricks and well lets just say i spent the next 2+ weeks trying to perfect and create this Eventually I had a fair few blocks made but I guess my sanity or what was left of it pretty much disappeared.

It was at this point I decided to abandon everything and go learn more about blender threw more tutorials since Its taking me way to long to make things and I dont have enough information but even so Ill share my final renders of this project since I did get maybe 15% of it done ;3 (Use The SlideShow)

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