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This project came about from yet another Blenderguru video which taught me quite alot about cool blender stuff such as Fspy, archipack and the glass hack but there are also things that I didn't do from that video mostly because I forgot to be honest I just went of on a tangent and did my own thing in the end.

Before I started I needed an image to use with Fspy and I could have used the image that blenderguru used but In a previous project I made a large tree with a rope swing and I knew I wanted to use it in the backgarden of the project so I looked for an image that looked out of a patio door into the garden and the best one that I found was this one.

Some of the other images I was considering.

I think the end product turned out pretty well I rendered it in cycles at 256 samples with almost all branched path tracing set at 2 and it looks good took 30 minutes to render but I made a bunch of mistakes.

One of these mistakes is that two of my fake lavender where rotated the wrong way so they looked 2D which they all are but thats not the point. Lots of my models where not shaded smooth as they should be which led to them looking very low res this was partly due to an accident since shading some objects smooth led to artefacts as seen on my wall sockets.

The smoke collector material looked as if there was 2 different materials when there was only one this was yet again a smooth shading issue I forgot to shade the top smooth. The last issue that I could spot was something I have no idea how to fix since I don't know where its coming from a random sphere is appearing in my window and I have no idea why.

(Use the slideshow to see each example)

I fixed most of these issues in my next render which I did at half the samples 128 instead of 256 since it was 1am in the morning when I finally finished the project and I say finished loosely since there are still gaps here and there I could have filled but I did not want to spend any more time on this project.

The grass and dandelions outside the window may look fantastic but in truth its all just one big illusion as you can see in the image below I used another CGmatter tutorial this time for grass to make my low poly grass as a hair particles I did the same for the dandelions but less of them. To be honest I'm surprised it worked the first time since I was just messing around and using my brain to "make" dandelions Still carn't believe it looks good.

I used a HDR for the background and most of the lighting since everything looks better with a HDR the one I chose was that of a lake as you can see here. behind my scene you can see my particle items.

During this project I ran into a large problem that I sunk around 4h+ trying to fix which was that my walls where Blurry and I tried everything to try and fix until my friend directed me to a discord called the Blender Hub. I asked for assistance there and I received some advice which at first didn't help much since they did not offer an actually fix just told me what was causing the issue but that advice led to the eventually fix.

The cause of all the blurriness was the denoiser which is what the person on discord told me was happening but I found out that blender has more than one method of denoising after a render the one I was using was the denoising node in the compositing which after a render denoises it all at once which was the whole reason I was having the issue so I switched it to the denoising in the view layer which switched denoising all at once to 1 tile/sample at a time basically it removed the blurry walls which was a relief.

For anyone wondering what the scene looks like rendered In Eevee It looks horrible XD

Here are the rest of my renders in order or at least as in order as possible.

Ignore Suzanne :3

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